Commitment to
Terminal Safety
Caution Culture: the banner we’ve used to outline our strategy of properly implementing our Occupational Health and Safety Management system. In these terms, the pillars of our prevention culture are: the human element, our behavior, and reaction criteria in the face of risk factors. Strict compliance with Occupational Health and Safety regulations and policies, as well as clear regulations and constant training for all personnel, help us to meet the objective of eradicating work accidents and occupational diseases.
Simulation Exercises
Evacuation exercises and drills are held annually at port facilities to allow us to develop and measure our response capacity in the event of an unexpected adverse event.
- General evacuation of port facilities
- Structural collapse simulation
- Fire drill
- First Aid drill
- Hazardous materials leak drill
- Chemical spill drill
- Hostage-taking drill
- Water-based fuel spill drill, with barrier deployment
- Fire drill on ship deck
- Pollution drill
- Intruder drill